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  • ​Tax Preparation

  • Tax Consulting

  • Tax Planning or Projection

  • Tax Resolution

  • New Business Formation

  • Bookkeeping & Payroll

  • Audit Detection & Tracking

Preparation - Individual & Business 

Preparing your own income tax return can be a task that leaves you with more questions than answers. According to a study released by the US Government’s General Accounting Office, most taxpayers (77% of 71 million taxpayers) believe they benefited from using a professional tax preparer.


Whether we like it or not, today’s tax laws are so complicated that filing a relatively simple return can be confusing. It is just too easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled. Even if you use a computer software program there’s no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional.


Here’s what you get…

  • Your tax return will be checked and rechecked by our computer software identifying potential problems the IRS may look at more closely and reviewing the math to limit IRS contacts.

  • Your tax return can be filed electronically so you will get a refund back quicker.

  • Our staff will show you how to adjust your payroll withholding to get more money back each week. Why give the IRS an interest free loan for up to 16 months.

  • We will show you potential deductions to limit your tax liability for next year. In addition, we will give you a sheet of commonly overlooked deductions to limit the following year’s tax liability.

  • Our firm is located in California but we are not limited to preparing only California income tax returns; no matter which state or territory of the U.S. we can prepare the return.

Business Tax Return Preparation


We prepare tax returns for business entities of all sizes, types and industries, these include:


  • Sole-Proprietors, Self-Employed and Schedule C

  • Home Based Businesses

  • Small Business Corporations (S Corporations)

  • C Corporations (Conventional Corporations) 

  • Partnerships

  • Limited Liability Companies (LLC)

  • Not-For-Profit and Religious Organizations

  • Farmers (Schedule F)

  • Information Returns – we can help prepare your Forms 1099/1096 and W-2/W-3.


 Books a Mess: No Problem!

If you own a small business and haven’t kept up your bookkeeping, don’t worry. We can help you. We’ll prepare your bookkeeping for the year to then prepare accurate business income tax returns, as well as your personal income tax return. We have a full charge bookkeeping division that can provide you with monthly or quarterly bookkeeping services at a very reasonable cost or we can train you and/or your staff in QuickBooks to keep your books in tip-top shape next year.

Tax Consulting 

For many people, the process of filing an income tax return is daunting. Tax laws change frequently, and many individuals and business owners are simply unaware of the myriad of rules that govern deductions, credits and reportable income. As a result, the average taxpayer may make mistakes that can result in the underpayment or over payment of taxes. If the taxpayer underpays his taxes, he may be subject to an IRS audit, with possible penalties. If the taxpayer overpays his taxes, he loses money that's rightfully his.

So if you have any questions or don't understand the tax rules, you can contact us for a tax consultancy. We can provide you the expert advise and strategies that minimize the tax obligations while also reducing the chance of an audit that could lead to a conflict with the IRS or with a state tax agency. 


FREE 30-minutes consultation


This fee for 30-minutes consultation can be applied to the tax preparation fee if you are a new client and choose to have your tax return prepared by us.

Tax Planning & Projection ​

No one likes bad news or unexpected surprises at tax filing time. That is why our firm is committed to year-end tax planning as a crucial proactive component of tax preparation. It is important to begin planning prior to the year end, so there is time to take any action to either reduce or defer taxes.


Moving forward, we know there are opportunities presented where changing directions has implications, namely those involving tax. Commonly called “what-if” analysis of business or investment decisions, forecasting helps to evaluate the different options, predict any relevant tax benefits or consequences of making the decisions, and aids in the decision-making process. Let us provide you with all of the information you need in order to evaluate your options, so that you can make smart and informed decisions, resulting in short and long-term solutions that are best for your specific situation.


Our tax planning & projection services include, but are not limited to:

  • Divorce Tax Assistance and Consulting​

  • Married Filing Separately vs. Married Filing Joint Scenario Analysis

  • Children’s Investment Income Tax Consulting​

  • Pension Plan Calculations and Consulting​

  • Cost Segregation Studies and Consulting​

  • Future Year Tax Projections Based on Current/Prior Years​

  • “What-if” Scenario Analysis and Option Evaluations

Tax Resolution

If you or your business have the following tax problems, we can help!

Common tax problems for Individuals:

  • The individual claimed too many tax exemptions at work, so a large tax bill is owed at the end of the year.

  • One spouse owes a significant amount of taxes but the other spouse does not.

  • ​Both spouses owe a significant amount of taxes jointly, but they are now separated or divorced.

  • ​The individual is unemployed and did not withhold sufficient taxes.

  • ​The individual cashed out a retirement after losing his or her job. The individual uses all the money for their cost of living and paying off debt, and little to no taxes are withheld, so the individual gets a large tax bill at the end of the year. 

  • The individual retired and did not do any tax planning prior or during the transition.

  • ​Little to no taxes were withheld from the retirement funds, so the individual gets a large tax bill at the end of the year.​​

  • The individual owns or previously owned a business, which has outstanding business debt. The IRS and/or state made the individual personally responsible for the business debt owed.

  • ​The individual’s tax return is being audited due to unreported income, overstated expenses, a mistake on the return, or a mistake on the part of the IRS or state.

  • There is a tax lien attached to property that the individual would like to sell.

  • ​The IRS or state has placed a levy on wages.

  • ​The IRS or state has garnished all funds in the individual’s bank account and/or frozen the account.

  • ​The individual has not dealt with the back tax balances for many years.

Common tax problems for Business:

  • The business has several years of unfiled business and payroll tax returns.​

  • The business did not pay sufficient quarterly taxes and got a large tax bill at the end of the year.​

  • The business did not pay payroll taxes to the IRS or State. 

  • The business did not pay sales or use taxes to State.​

  • There is a tax lien attached to property that the business would like to sell.​

  • The IRS or State issued a levy notice to the main customer(s) of the business, ordering them to pay all moneys owed to the business toward back taxes.

  • The IRS or State has garnished all funds in the business bank account and/or frozen the account.​

  • The business has not dealt with the back tax balances for many years.​

  • The business has outstanding payroll taxes and the IRS wants to interview everyone involved in the business to determine who is responsible for paying and filing payroll taxes.

  • The business filed tax returns late and the business was charged significant penalties.

  • The business tax return is being audited. The audit could be due to unreported income, overstated expenses, a mistake on the return, or an error made by the IRS.

With our tax solutions can help with a variety of tax services for individuals and business including preparing income tax returns, resolving tax problems with the IRS or State of California, and representing the taxpayer in the case of an IRS or state tax audit.

New Business Formation ​

Thinking of owning your own business? pening your own business is exciting and thrilling. It’s everything that comes after the excitement and thrill has worn off that dictates whether a small business will make it or not. It’s up to you to maintain and stretch out the “thrill and excitement” period forever. A methodical plan of action is needed to fulfill your dream or goal of being your own boss and running a successful business. Success lies in the approach you choose to take. We help you avoid the common pitfalls that many new small business owners make when starting their new venture.


We help you…


  • Determine which business entity best meets your goals and minimizes tax liability.​

  • Develop a solid Partnership Agreement. This is an extremely important document for all new partnerships and will help prevent a tremendous amount of financial and emotional problems down the road.

  • Make sure you are compliant with state, local, and federal tax laws such as sales and use tax, payroll tax, and Federal EIN (Employer Identification Number).

  • Assist you in filing paperwork for state and local licenses and permits as required.​

  • Set up an accounting system using software that works for you if needed

Let us help you succeed by getting your new business off to a good strong start. Please contact us to learn more about our New Business Formation Services.

Bookkeeping & Payroll Services ​

As a small business owner you have more important things to do than to keep your own books. We take care of your books for you, so you can get back to the job of running your business and generating profits.


Each month or quarter we’ll do the following things for you…


  • Reconcile your bank account 

  • Generate an income statement

  • Generate a balance sheet 

  • Clean up your general ledger

  • Provide unlimited consultations 


These tasks form the solid foundation of your small business accounting system. You can customize the package of services you receive by adding payroll, tax planning, tax preparation, or any of our other services.

Bank Reconciliation


Reconciling your business checking account each month allow us to keep your bank account, accounting, and taxes up-to-date.

Having us reconcile your account each month allows you to…

  • Identify lost checks, lost deposits and unauthorized wire transactions.​

  • Detect and prevent excess/unjustified bank charges and ensures transactions are posted correctly by your bank.​

  • Detect and prevent embezzlement of funds from within your company.​

  • Know how your business is doing? You can’t really know unless all accounts are reconciled and properly accounted for on your financial statement.

  • Manage your cash more effectively.Proper management of funds not only saves money, it makes money for you.​

  • Protect yourself. By timely reconciling and promptly objecting to your bank about any unauthorized, fraudulent or forged checks presented to your bank and paid by that bank, you can relieve your agency of responsibility for the shortfall and transfer the risk to the bank. This reason to reconcile alone should be enough. Crime exists.​

  • Sleep Better. You will sleep more peacefully at night knowing your bank accounts are reconciled, in balance and that all escrow funds, accounts, checks and disbursed funds are properly accounted for.

Income Statement

An income statement, otherwise known as a profit and loss statement,basically adds an itemized list of all your revenues and subtracts an itemized list of all your expenses to come up with a profit or loss for the period. An income statement allows you to…​


  • Track revenues and expenses so that you can determine the operating performance of your business.

  • Determine what areas of your business are over-budget or under-budget.​

  • Identify specific items that are causing unexpected expenditures. Like phone, fax, mail, or supply expenses. 

  • Track dramatic increases in product returns or cost of goods sold as a percentage of sales.

  • ​Determine your income tax liability.

Balance Sheet


A balance sheet gives you a snapshot of your business’ financial condition at a specific moment in time. A balance sheet helps you…

  • Quickly get a handle on the financial strength and capabilities of your business。

  • Identify and analyze trends, particularly in the area of receivables and payables. For example, if your receivables cycle is lengthening, maybe you can collect your receivables more aggressively.

  • Determine if your business is in a position to expand.

  • Determine if your business can easily handle the normal financial ebbs and flows of revenues and expenses?

  • Determine if you need to take immediate steps to bolster cash reserves?

  • Determine if your business has been slowing down payables to forestall an inevitable cash shortage?


Balance sheets, along with income statements, are the most basic elements in providing financial reporting to potential lenders such as banks, investors, and vendors who are considering how much credit to grant you.

Maintaining a Clean General Ledger

The general ledger is the core of your company’s financial records. These records constitute the central “books” of your system. Since every transaction flows through the general ledger, a problem with your general ledger throws off all your books.

Having us review your general ledger system each month allows us to hunt down any discrepancies such as double billings or any unrecorded payments. Then we’ll fix the discrepancies so your books are always accurate and kept in tip top shape.

Unlimited Consultations

We are always available to spend time with you so you fully understand how to interpret and utilize the financial information we provide. Our consultations are already included in our price, so please feel free to call us whenever you have a question or concern.

If you’d like to receive a Free Consultation on our Small Business Accounting Service, please contact us.

Audit Detection & Tracking


This year we added a new service called Audit Detection and Tracking Service. With this service we will monitor what the IRS has done on your account throughout the year. This service is charged for $200 a year. If You are our tax return preparation client, there will be a discount, which is half price ($100 a year) . Please see what this service can do for you.


Features included:


  • Detect IRS audits & exams months in advance in most cases allowing you to be prepared and deal with it early for the mitigation of penalties & interest.​

  • Detect liens & levies on your IRS account.​

  • Identify First-Time Abatement opportunities back to 2001 which can result in additional refunds or offset of taxes owed.

  • Annual review of last four years of taxes for refund opportunities.​

  • Audit risk assessment for the current tax return.

  • Annual income verification to avoid income under-reported.​

  • Track IRS payments including estimated payments.​

  • Provide a comprehensive tax analysis report once a year.

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